Imaginile din aceste zile din Gaza mi-au reamintit masacrul civililor din Iugoslavia. imi pare tare rau ca n-am publicat istoriile si ororile bombardamentelor ordonate de ceata de dementi din jurul lui Clinton, un bolnav mintal, obsedat sexual si semicretin, preocupat sa acopere iute – iute, printr-un razboi, ca sa scape de impeachment, scandalul sau sexual cu o tarfa grasa...
De aceea reiau, macar acum, imagini ale ororilor unui bombardament la fel de idiot, declansat de neamurile tarfei grase care-i sugea trabucurile lui Clinton.
Victimele bombardamentelor israeliene din ultima perioada au fost in majoritate civili inocenti “victime colaterale” cica.
una dintre victime este fiul de 11 luni al lui Jihad Misharawi, editor de imagine la BBC Arabic. imaginea sa se afla in stanga sus, inainte de moarte. alaturi este tatal sau distrus de durere, jurnalist.
detalii aici:
Fetita plina de sange care face semnul victoriei, este inca in viata, o cheama Amal, are 11 ani.
Copilul scos pe brate din moloz se numeste Ibrahim Al-Dalou.
Despre restul copiilor ucisi as vrea sa scriu dar n-am gasit multe date.
Hellen BantowNu pot sa dau like la asa ceva. Articolul tau este ca de obicei, cat se poate de realist si foarte bine punctat - pentru asta dau un mare like
Madalina TomaIncepe WW3
George Ronceanu incepe nimic, continua doar...a inceput in '89 al treilea razbel mondial...parerea meaSee Translation
Hellen Bantoweu daca va spun parerea mea, o sa para ca delirez la ceas de seara........ ma astept insa sa intre in bussines-ul razboiului si Rusia... cat de curand
Codrut PopaCiteam o stire adineauri: israelienii il vor pe Bill Clinton mediator de pace !!! ..culmea..
Madalina TomaDeflagratii se preconizeaza de ceva timp .... Iran, Turica cu Siria, uite ca tampitii astia de evrei coltati nu vor nici da-ai draq sa ii lase pe bietii palestinieni in pace !Li s-a dat afurisitul ala de pamant din averea lui Rothschild sa aiba si ei tara lor , dar nu le e de ajuns ..... Oricum lucrurile vor degenera si sper ca Romania sa fie ocolita de nenorocirile care vor urma din focarul ala de razboi !Doamne ajuta !See Translation
Codrut PopaEu cred ca pana joi-vineri se opresc..temporar cel aratat iranienii muschii cu rachete astea Fajr 5 si gata .See Translation
Radu RadiomodeleSi eu cred ca se vor opri, nicio tara normala la cap nu va sustine Iranul sa faca genocid ca asa li se pare lor...
Severin Alexfoarte trist...
Radu Radiomodele toll of five days of warring between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaz...See More
Gigi RaducanDSant argumente pro si contra in acest conflict ne sfarsit,din fasia gaza.
Hellen BantowChiar daca s-ar opri Israelienii, e de asteptat o reactie pe masura
Marlena Ginga DerflerSi ai nostri dragii mei ' ei folosesc copii ca si scut pentru a apara locurile cu rachete si munitiiSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerInainte de a bombarda inapoi dupa ce suntem atacati ' Israelul arunca manifeste si anunta prin radio ca se bombardeaza ca persoanele sa se adaposteasca. Din pacate ei ne ataca de doua luni si nu se opresc asa ca raspundem pana vom obtine pace si liniste in Israel.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerNe ataca fara motiv datorita faptului ca Iranul le cere s sa o faca si-i finanteaza, caci altfel nu primesc bani fara sa mentina terorismul in zonaSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerDar oare de unde au avut atata armament si rachete? Parca se spunea ca acele vase cu inarcatura" UMANITARA " trebuiesc lasate sa intre in Gaza.See Translation
Ion UrsuAcești copii nevinovați plătesc cu viața greșelile părinților lor idioți și bătuți în cap. Deci, asta e viața.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelMarlena, tarfa ordinara ce esti, mai dezinformezi mult? Daca as avea ocazia direct in cuptoarele de la Auschwitz te-as trimite. Pana in 45 nu exista Israel, ati omorat si furat kilometru dupa kilometru, iar acum va intrebati senin "de ce ne ataca aia?". Cea mai jegoasa natie de pe planeta a voastra este, paraziti infecti.See Translation
George RonceaMarlena n-are nicio vina Nik, ea spune doar ce aude si ea la stiri, nu trebuie injurata ca n-are nicio vina este si ea o femeie nu un inamic si este naspa sa injuri o femeie, mai ales daca nu stii sigur ca face parte dintr-un dispozitiv al facem de ras injurand femeile, parerea mea, ca barbati si ca romani. las-o pe Marlene ca nu ea este de vina pentru ce se intampla acum.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelToata lumea e vinovata pentru prostia de care sufera. Pana la urma nici de dragul palestinienilor nu ma omor, dar toata afacerea asta se potriveste fix pe modus operandi evreiesc, incat mi se face o sila extrema. Lipseste doar o proasta dand din gura pe internet ca sa ajung in starea de mai devreme.See Translation
Ion UrsuDupă mine, ar fi ideal să se măcelărească unii pe alții. Că nu-i suport nici pe zioniști, nici pe arabi.See Translation
Marius Florian@ Marlena ... poate ai timpul si bunul simt sa`ti rapesti 7 minute din viata si sa revii pe pamant. Astfel, ai la dispozitie: 1. 2. 3. 4. ... cat despre "de unde au rachete?" Cu ce`ai vrea sa`si apere casele si familiile? Cu prastia, cand Israel foloseste tot rachete, tancuri si avioane? Plus ca netul e plin de confruntari israelieni cu mitraliere si palestinieni cu prastii!!! De unde au cele 2-3 rachete pe care le lanseaza? Simplu: de la Mama Rusie si taica Iran, care nu puteau avea asa ceva in dotare decat cu sponsorizarea exclusiva a alora de pe wall`street sau de la CNN si Fox News care oracaie "vrem razboi" toata ziua. You should check it out. Dar oricum n`am pretentia sa doresti sa cunosti adevarul, asa ca ii dau dreptate lui G. George Roncea din nou. Te multumesti cu TeVeu`...See the Jews Treat Christians in Israel? This video shows some Christian tourist...See More
Sorin SandaSant catva la butoanele planetei de se joaca ,si fac ei sedinta ,cum ,unde sa mai vindem armament, care economie a unei tari sa o mai distrugem ,unde sa mai schimbam politici,sau cateva experimente ,si tot asa .Ma rog, BANII sant stapanii lor....ideea este ca nu traiesc VESNIC, cu toate ca si-o doresc.See Translation
Dorin MateiGaza e un fel de baza de antrenament in conditii de lupta, pentru armata israeliana. Intensificarea operatiunilor este un semn de pregatire pentru ceva mai amplu, adica interventia, alaturi de trupele "comunitatii internationale", in Siria, Liban si Iran. Sub mandat ONU, of course. In scopuri umanitare, of course. Ca in Iraq, Afganistan, Yugoslavia, Libia, of course. "Comunitatii internationale" i-a crescut un pseudopod numit Liga Araba, care a devenit practic un aliat al Israelului, alaturi de Turcia. Hartile zonei au fost trasate de fostii ocupanti englezi si francezi (dupa lichidarea imperiului otoman) cu rigla. Acum, aceste harti au fost retrasate, la fel de discretionar, fiind luate in calcul pretentiile Israelului, dar si agenda G20 de exterminare a popoarelor inutile, ceea ce, in final, va duce la dislocari masive de populatie in tot Orientul. "Crizele umanitare", "refugiatii", etc, sunt exercitii in acest sens.
Ion UrsuDorin Matei, ești pe lângă subiect.
Dorin MateiToti suntem pe langa subiect. Ceea ce vedem in imagini sunt doar cateva "atribute"
George RonceaIon, dimpotriva Dorin, parerea mea, este exact pe subiect. ba mai mult aduce si o explicatie competenta situatiei de kkat in care se afla o buna parte din lume. lacomia liderilor arabi, care s-au vandut si si-au vandut poporul - cum o fac si liderii romani de altfel, sta la originea intregului haloimas de acum. iar victime sunt mereu cei nevinovati. cat despre metodele utilizate de militarii cretini care aleg sa arda pamantul cu tot cu civili, de la adapostul bunkarului, sunt aceleasi dintotdeauna. scarbe mai jegoase decat apevistii, lepre lipsite de orice urma de onoare si demnitate militara, nu exista pe pamant. si dupa cate am avut ocazia sa vad, de-a lungul anilor, scarbele astea n-au identitate delimitata. si in asa zisa noastra armata "nationala" si la americani si la sarbi si la rusi am vazut jigodii la fel de fara inima ca si jigodiile astea de evrei care dau cu rachete in civili, care se caca pe viata omeneasca, care au un dispret nemasurat pentru fiinta. parerea mea este ca se intampla asta mai ales cu cei lipsiti de Dumnezeu, cu indraciti in uniforme...See Translation
Radu M OleniucBai Nicolae, cu ce drept iti permiti tu sa zici ca ai trimite oameni la Auschwitz bai loaza? Doar pentru ca ti se pare tie ca "dezinformeaza"? Pai bai cretin socialist, tu esti dezinformat de la natura, chiar fara sa vrei. Habar nu ai sa faci diferenta intre ce e ok si ce nu, si apoi dai vina pe altii, ca deh, sa stai sa gandesti singur e greu. Las la o parte faptul ca probabil esti prost de bubui (toti putem fi la un moment dat), insa de aici pana la a spune ca "daca ai avea ocazia ai baga-o pe Marlena in cuptor", e cale lunga.See Translation
Radu M OleniucTu esti genul care cand vede ca nu poate sa loveasca direct, pe fata, sta si te pandeste noaptea pe ascuns. Genul ala care te linguseste dar iti toarna otrava in pahar. Si care daca e atacat, scoate copiii in fata ca sa se apere, cum fac tiganii cand arunca cu proprii copii in politie, sa nu le faca aia nimic. Asta esti ma? Genul care trage cu rachete dintr-o gradinita sau scoala, stiind ca ceilalti nu vor avea curajul sa riposteze doar pentru ca acolo sunt copii?
Pai ma loaza, cine e criminalul? Cei care se apara, sau tu care alegi deliberat sa faci acest lucru, tragi PRIMUL si apoi te ascunzi intre copii, ca un las?See Translation -
Radu M OleniucINDIFERENT ce tabara sustii, indiferent cine are dreptate sau nu, VIATA umana trebuie respectata. NU omori oameni nevinovati, nu omori copii, nu tragi in femei. Nu te-a invatat nimeni pana acum asta, din cate vad. Baga la cap bai carpa nenorocita ce esti. Din cauza unor ca tine e suferinta in lume, si vad ca scopul tau nu e sa opresti varsarea asta de sange, ci sa continui, sa raspandesti mai departe aceleasi idei.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelS-au trezit si moldovenii. Pot sa te lovesc pe tine direct in fata daca duci lipsa. Daca te-ar duce un pic mintea n-ai lua apararea animalelor de evrei, dar tu cum te incadrezi in targetul mass-mediei de prostire sistematica, n-ai cum sa gandesti dincolo de lolocaust. Am auzit-o si pe asta, saracii evrei se apara de rachete cazute in camp si din cauza carora au murit 3 jidani in tot anul. N-are rost sa dau lectii de istorie unor retardati ca tine si sa-ti explic cum au ajuns evreii in conflict cu palestinienii.See Translation
Radu M OleniucReally? Fraiere, iti iau gatul in secunda doi. Si in LEGITIMA APARARE. Un fir de par nu imi misti din cap, sa tii minte. Insa chiar si asa, eu am DREPTUL sa te bag in spital, sau in carje, sau in mormant. Pricepi cum sta treaba, loaza? Si stii de ce? Pentru ca TU esti cel care ridica sabia, nu eu.
Am vazut zeci de cazuri in care de la o simpla imbrancitura au ramas unii cu sechele pe viata. Eu nu am de gand sa risc asa ceva. Asa ca daca te prind ca vii cu figurile tale de tigan prost langa mine, eu ti-am luat gatul din prima, la primul gest de agresiune. E clar, fraiere?See Translation -
Radu M OleniucDa-mi tu o palma si apoi fugi dupa fusta lui ma'ta. Vezi ce se intampla..See Translation
Oana PandiEu cand vad micutii acestia care au murit fara nici o vina parca nu imi vine sa ma gandesc cine a inceput, nu conteaza asta, ce este important e sa nu se mai intample, sa se termine razboiul.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelCata bataie ai luat in liceu de ai ramas asa speriat? Auzi la el, imi ia gatul. Imi iei p**a la tranta, moldovean frustrat.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelNu ma mai bagi in spital, carje, mormant? -
Radu M OleniucNicolae, nazistule, mars la ma'ta ma. Daca vii aici cu figuri de astea eu iti iau gatul. In legitima aparare, ca sa stii. La tine acasa n-ai decat sa o ameninti pe ma'ta, pe nevasta'ta, pe copil , sau pe cine ai chef. (nu ti-ar fi rusine - ai copii insa vrei sa sari la bataie ca ultimul huligan, "sa bagi in cuptoare"). La mine insa nu tin figurile astea de neam prost. Mujic bolsevic, asta esti. Asa erau toti nazistii.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelAcum nazistii sunt bolsevici? Tu macar ai trecut pe la vreo ora de istorie? Nu mi-e rusine pentru ca n-am nici un copil (din cate stiu eu), iar fraierii ca tine care se baga in seama normal ca trebuie corectati. Daca iti dau o palma pe-a doua o dau in aer, iar in legitima aparare o sa sugi cucul asa cum se pare ca ai facut toata viata ta la cata frustrare reiese din raspunsurile tale.See Translation
Radu M OleniucIa cu paine, loaza bolsevica. Invata ca sa stii de unde ti-au venit ideile astea cu "bagatul oamenilor in cuptor":“The Soviet Story” este un documentar de prima mana, al regizorului Edvins Snore...See More -
Radu M OleniucTrebuie "corectati", asa-i? Cum ziceam, incearca. In functie de cum ma trezesc dimineata vei ajunge in spital, in carje (toata viata), sau in cimitir. Futu-ti mortii ma'tii de nazist, ia hai sa vedem cum ma "corectezi" tu..See Translation
Nicolae AnghelIntrebarea nu era cine a bagat oameni in cuptor, era cum au ajuns nazistii bolsevici. Nu conteaza, fii tu iubitor de jidani in continuare, iar ei o sa te iubeasca in aceeasi masura. Ca doar ei sunt un popor altruist si tot ce au facut de-a lungul timpului a fost pentru binele altora.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelDaca scopul tau e sa ma omori, sa stii ca mai ai un pic sa ma omori de ras. Insista, s-ar putea sa reusesti =))See Translation
Radu M OleniucBai cacatule, eu iubesc VIATA, loaza. Nu vreau sa bag pe nimeni "in cuptoare", cum vroiai sa faci tu cu Marlena, ca nu ti-a convenit tie dreptul ei la libera exprimare, si vroiai "sa o corectezi". Pricepi bai bolsevic imputit care e diferenta dintre noi?“At the peak of the Cold War, one could have compared Stalin to Hitler, but neve...See More -
Radu M OleniucIncearca sa-mi misti un fir de par. Dar sa-ti scrii testamentul inainte..
Radu M Oleniucps: poti sa vii cu tot cu gasca, pentru ca stiu cum sunteti voi, bolsevicii, daca nu veniti in grup va emotionati..See Translation
Radu M OleniucIar daca tie ti se pare ca asta e un subiect care poate amuza pe cineva, nu faci decat sa arati ca ai exact mentalitatea la care m-am referit: cea de bolsevic nenorocit. De nazist care lasa in urma milioane de morti ("in cuptor", pentru ca "trebuiau corectati"), si apoi rade ca prostul.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelStai linistit ca nu face nimeni atata drum pentru un speriat. Pe mine ma amuza, normal. Propaganda evreiasca e asa bine intiparita in nuca aia ce inlocuieste creierul tau, incat e de-a dreptul hilar. Translation -
InLinie DreaptaGeorge Roncea a facut un colaj de imagini in acelasi stil, colaj care cuprinde si imaginea din Siria, si multe alte imagini care probabil nu sint din israel, sau care sint scuturi umane folosite tocmai pentru a timpii indivizi ca roncea (fratii roncea, as putea spune) --costinSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerCe frumos e aici!!!! Domnule Anghel Nicolae sa ne sugi de coaie', o sa aranjez ca tot slobozul la armata israeliana sa-ti fie-n ciorba tie si la familia ta, okkkkk?See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAste-a poze din Siria ' dezinformare hamas
Marlena Ginga DerflerMadalino esti dezinformata caci e tocmai invers , ei ne ataca cu rachete fara motiv de doua luni ' le-am dat tot si am iesit din teritorii fato!!!!mai citeste si tu...See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerSuntem aici de 4000 de ani!!!! Isus s-a nascut in Yudeea SI A FOST EVREUUUUUUU ...DECI daca evreii sunt aici doar dupa 45' inseamna ca nu a existat Isus ...CLAR ASTA SPUNE ANCHEL NICOLAE!!!!See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerIn linie dreapta , un like pentru rima de mai sus nu primesc? lol!!!!
Calin Alexandru Ghicageorge roncea ..exagerezi..vezi doar o mi pare rau ca nu vezi si cealalta parte. Nu sunt nici evreu si nici muslim...dar sa vezi doar ce fac unii si sa nu vezi ce fac altii e cam propaganda subiectiva.Razboiul in general e o oroare nu doar razboiul unora atentie te rog..See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerNoroc ca mai sunt si oameni corecti!!! Eu sunt subiectiva caci traiesc aici si-s evreica dar va spun ca vrem pace la fel ca si poporul palestinian( majoritatea) dar organizatiile teroriste finantate de Iran/Siria au grija sa creeze aceste situatii si in plus vor" sa rada Israelul de pe suprafata pamantului"sau "sa arunce Israelul in mare" .Expresii folosite de catre presedintele Iranului si Hamas sau Hibolah.Ma intreb ce ar face orice alta tara in locul nostru????See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerMarius totul e propaganda antisemita ' sa arate la televiziunile recunoscute ce vrei tu sa arati aiciSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerOana micutii-s din Siria ' e adevarat ca au murit si in gaza vreo 5 copii dar au fost anuntati cu manifeste si la radio sa se adaposteasca caci bombardeaza Israelul tocmai ptr a nu fii victime printre civiliSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAnghel o sa-i spun Domnului Mihnea pe care-l cunosc cat de antisemit esti si lucrezi in politehnicaSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerTe parasc la sef ca la
Nicolae AnghelSă-l anunti şi că-ţi dau muie, kthxbye!
Marlena Ginga DerflerAaaa... sotiei tale cele blonde?
Marlena Ginga DerflerMda are figura de....
Marlena Ginga DerflerAuzi Anghele , cica nu e sheful tau ca tu esti portar acolo...hahahaha ne-ai dat teapa!!!!!See Translation
Nicolae AnghelHai mai bine lasă netul că apoi iar trebuie să bagi ore-n plus la bordel să-l plăteşti.See Translation
Nicolae AnghelEram pe telefon si mi-era lene sa scriu. Continuand: Babaciunea dracu, popoarele din zona sunt semite, tu esti europeana, deci lasa povestea cu anti-semitismul. Furati de la istorie, la identitate si la bani, ca atat sunteti in stare parazitilor.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerNe tragem din Shem , fiul nui Noe , de aici shi popor semit. Acum iti multumesc de compliment daca la 51 de ani fac fata in bordel care de fapt nu e legal in Israel ...lollll te ataci fraiere!!! Taran rasculat!!!! Ce muie ai tu , te-ai uitat in oglinda in ultimul timp?See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerFetita cu maieul plin de sange o poza din Siria' am dat share la fotografia originala din ziar.See Translation
Octavian SarbatoareE
trist sa vezi cum oamenii cad victime unor manipulari grafice. Cand te
vei trezi romane ca acum sunt mai multe moschei in Romania decat pe
vremea turcilor. Evreii au plecat, sa vedem acum cine ii va scoate pe
musulmani din Europa. Ca Tepes nu mai e si Brancoveanu se rasuceste in
mormant ca si-a varsat sangele degeaba. Razboaiele civile cu musulmanii
bat la portile Europei de Vest. Sunt zeci de milioane de arabi in
Europa. Grecia fierbe si in Franta sunt razmerite ale musulmanilor. Cand
te vei trezi romane? Ca altfel vei imparti cu musulmanii pamantul
strabunilor? Si-ti vei pierde glia asa cum au pierdut-o sarbii in Bosnia si Kosovo? -
Marlena Ginga DerflerJihadul este lupta impotriva. necredinciosor iar necredinciosii-s crestinii, evreii etc,
Octavian SarbatoareDna
Marlena, se trezesc si romanii sa fie alaturi de Israel in aceste
momente grele. Sinucigasilor din Gaza nu le pasa de ei si nici de copiii
lor. Oricum a sosit momentul ca cei din Gaza sa se omoare intre ei ca si fratii lor din Siria. -
Denisa RedeanDoamne pazeste-ne !
George RonceaMarlena Ginga Derfler si In InLinie Dreapta...baietii aia ai vostri sunt foarte buni, isteti foc. au strecurat in circuitul media cateva imagini cu victime din Siria, pacalind inclusiv agentii serioase de presa si apoi cand au inceput sa soseasca in valuri sute de imagini cu victimele civile ale bombardamentelor israeliena din Gaza, captate de reporterii straini de la fata locului au incercat sa impinga in derizoriu si sa anihileze toate celelalte imagini cu victimele recente.
tocmai de aceea in albumul postat ulterior, dupa ce si io mi-am luat tzeapa de la voi, am pus numai fotografii semnate de agentii valabile sau din surse verificate....aici albumul:
Pana si BBC de exemplu a preluat cu ceva vreme in urma si a raspandit imagini luate cica in Siria, dar care de fapt erau din Irak. Copiii morti si raniti arata cam la fel si in Siria si in Irak si in Gaza. si in fond, si in Siria si in Irak si in Gaza copiii arabilor mor tot din cauza unor agresiuni militare externe, lacomiei unor puteri care-si adjudeca cu orice pret controlul geopolitic al zonei.
eu nu am avut de mentionat in postarile mele decat faptul clar si limpede ca lumina zilei ca este inacceptabila uciderea copiilor, indiferent de motive.
ca sunt incalcate toate conventiile internationale prin expunerea civililor atacurilor militare.
ca tampenia cu "pagubele colaterale" din randul civililor ventilata si de americani in timpul bombardamentelor din Iugoslavia este o mizerie fara de margini. o ordinarie. o dezonoare pentru orice forta militara. mai ales cand statele ce recurg la agresiuni militare au pretenttii morale si "civilizatoare".
mai ales dupa ce s-au perfectat atatea acorduri internationale - cum ar fi si Conventia de la Geneva - tocmai pentru a se pedepsi macelarirea civililor.
crimele de razboi raman crime de razboi. si sunt cu atat mai odioase cu cat le cad victima copii.
revenind la situatia conflictului actual, in care sunt prezentati de catre presa israeliana cei de la Hamas ca principali responsabili, poate trebuie mentionat micul amanunt ca la crearea Hamas au pus umarul chiar baietii isteti de la Mossad, asa cum fundamentalismul islamic din Afganistan a fost sustinut intens, inclusiv militar de CIA, la ordinul aceluiasi etern Zbigniew Brzezinki, "creierul" de acum al chelnerului negru cu prompter Hussein Barack Obama.
de asemenea tot SUA au sustinut si fundamentalismul islamic albanez si bosniac, in Iugoslavia.
si de asemenea tot SUA au sustinut Fratia Musulmana in Egipt, recent. am mai scris despre asta, n-aveti decat sa va uitati aici
si aici:
bine Soros este consangean de-al vostru, jidan la origine, desi a fost colaborator al hitleristilor, dar are pasaport american:)
si pentru a va lamuri pe deplin cu privire la interesantele conexiuni dintre criminalii de la Hamas si criminalii de la Mossad va invit sa lecturati aceste materiale de mai jos si desigur daca aveti goagla veti mai gasi si altele. puteti de asemenea sa va faceti un abonament la Stratfor, ceea ce va recomand calduros. sau si mai bine sa cititi corespondenta dintre ofiterii Stratfor, scoasa la vedere public de wikileaks. o sa obtineti cu siguranta o imagine mult mai coerenta si mai putin schematica iesind din prostia asta cu "antisemitismul" aruncat aiurea la adresa oricui are ceva de comentat despre porcariile facute de lideri politici corupti ai Israelului, sau de banditii din servicii. Va ma recomnad lectura lucrarilor lui Victor Ostrovski unul dintre putinii defectori ai Mossadului, scapat cu viata pana in prezent. o sa va cutremurati afland cum antisemitismul este intretinut constant de catre cadre de varf ale Mossadului, o institutie cu nimic mai putin sinistra si corupta decat fosta noastra Securitate, plina ochi de patrihoti.
iata o minima bibliografie:
Making Enemies
How Israel helped to create Hamas
si mai adaug imediat si alte materiale documentare...See Translationmacelul ia amploare...zi de zi mor copii nevinovati...joieux NoelBy: George Roncea -
George RonceaThe Throw-Back of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, to Their Dark Ages: what part did Israel play in this to its own peril?
Posted on on December 30th, 2011 by Pincas Jawetz
Uri Avnery’s Column
Shukran, Israel, 31/12/11
IF ISLAMIST movements come to power all over the region, they should express their debt of gratitude to their bete noire, Israel.
Without the active or passive help of successive Israeli governments, they may not have been able to realize their dreams.
That is true in Gaza, in Beirut, in Cairo and even in Tehran.
LET’S TAKE the example of Hamas.
All over the Arab lands, dictators have been faced with a dilemma. They could easily close down all political and civic activities, but they could not close the mosques. In the mosques people could congregate in order to pray, organize charities and, secretly, set up political organizations. Before the days of Twitter and Facebook, that was the only way to reach masses of people.
One of the dictators faced with this dilemma was the Israel military governor in the occupied Palestinian territories. Right from the beginning, he forbade any political activity. Even peace activists went to prison. Advocates of non-violence were deported. Civic centers were closed down. Only the mosques remained open. There people could meet.
But this went beyond tolerance. The General Security Service (known as Shin Bet or Shabak) had an active interest in the flourishing of the mosques. People who pray five times a day, they thought, have no time to build bombs.
The main enemy, as laid down by Shabak, was the dreadful PLO, led by that monster, Yasser Arafat. The PLO was a secular organization, with many prominent Christian members, aiming at a “nonsectarian” Palestinian state. They were the enemies of the Islamists, who were talking about a pan-Islamic Caliphate.
Turning the Palestinians towards Islam, it was thought, would weaken the PLO and its main faction, Fatah. So everything was done to help the Islamic movement discreetly.
It was a very successful policy, and the Security people congratulated themselves on their cleverness, when something untoward happened. In December 1987, the first intifada broke out. The mainstream Islamists had to compete with more radical groupings. Within days, they transformed themselves into the Islamic Resistance Movement (acronym Hamas) and became the most dangerous foes of Israel. Yet it took Shabak more than a year before they arrested Sheik Ahmad Yassin, the Hamas leader. In order to fight this new menace, Israel came to an agreement with the PLO in Oslo.
And now, irony of ironies, Hamas is about to join the PLO and take part in a Palestinian National Unity government. They really should send us a message of Shukran (“thanks”).
OUR PART in the rise of Hizbollah is less direct, but no less effective.
When Ariel Sharon rolled into Lebanon in 1982, his troops had to cross the mainly Shiite South. The Israeli soldiers were received as liberators. Liberators from the PLO, which had turned this area into a state within a state.
Following the troops in my private car, trying to reach the front, I had to traverse about a dozen Shiite villages. In each one I was detained by the villagers, who insisted that I have coffee in their homes.
Neither Sharon nor anyone else paid much attention to the Shiites. In the federation of autonomous ethnic-religious communities that is called Lebanon, the Shiites were the most downtrodden and powerless.
However, the Israelis outstayed their welcome. It took the Shiites just a few weeks to realize that they had no intention of leaving. So, for the first time in their history, they rebelled. The main political group, Amal (“hope”), started small armed actions. When the Israelis did not take the hint, operations multiplied and turned into a full-fledged guerrilla war.
To outflank Amal, Israel encouraged a small, more radical, rival: God’s Party, Hizbollah.
If Israel had got out then (as Haolam Hazeh demanded), not much harm would have been done. But they remained for a full 18 years, ample time for Hizbollah to turn into an efficient fighting machine, earn the admiration of the Arab masses everywhere, take over the leadership of the Shiite community and become the most powerful force in Lebanese politics.
They, too, owe us a big Shukran.
THE CASE of the Muslim Brotherhood is even more complex.
The organization was founded in 1928, twenty years before the State of Israel. Its members volunteered to fight us in 1948. They are passionately pan-Islamic, and the Palestinian plight is close to their hearts.
As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict worsened, the popularity of the Brothers grew. Since the 1967 war, in which Egypt lost Sinai, and even more after the separate peace agreement with Israel, they stoked the deep-seated resentment of the masses in Egypt and all over the Arab world. The assassination of Anwar al-Sadat was not of their doing, but they rejoiced.
Their opposition to the peace agreement with Israel was not only an Islamist, but also an authentic Egyptian reaction. Most Egyptians felt cheated and betrayed by Israel. The Camp David agreement had an important Palestinian component, without which the agreement would have been impossible for Egypt. Sadat, a visionary, looked at the big picture and believed that the agreement would quickly lead to a Palestinian state. Menachem Begin, a lawyer, saw to the fine print. Generations of Jews have been brought up on the Talmud, which is mainly a compilation of legal precedents, and their mind has been honed by legalistic arguments. Not for nothing are Jewish lawyers in demand the world over.
Actually, the agreement made no mention of a Palestinian state, only of autonomy, phrased in a way that allowed Israel to continue the occupation. That was not what the Egyptians had been led to believe, and their resentment was palpable. Egyptians are convinced that their country is the leader of the Arab world, and bears a special responsibility for every part of it. They cannot bear to be seen as the betrayers of their poor, helpless Palestinian cousins.
Long before he was overthrown, Hosni Mubarak was despised as an Israeli lackey, paid by the US. For Egyptians, his despicable role in the Israeli blockade of a million and a half Palestinians in the Gaza Strip was particularly shameful.
Since their beginnings in the 1920s, Brotherhood leaders and activists have been hanged, imprisoned, tortured and otherwise persecuted. Their anti-regime credentials are impeccable. Their stand for the Palestinians contributed a lot to this image.
Had Israel made peace with the Palestinian people somewhere along the line, the Brotherhood would have lost much of its luster. As it is, they are emerging from the present democratic elections as the central force in Egyptian politics.
Shukran, Israel. -
George Roncea————————————
LET’S NOT forget the Islamic Republic of Iran. They owe us something, too. Quite a lot, actually.
In 1951, in the first democratic elections in an Islamic country in the region, Muhammad Mossadeq was elected Prime Minister. The Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had been installed by the British during World War II, was thrown out, and Mossadeq nationalized the country’s vital oil industry. Until then, the British had robbed the Iranian people, paying a pittance for the Black Gold.
Two years later, in a coup organized by the British MI6 and the American CIA, the Shah was brought back and returned the oil to the hated British and their partners. Israel had probably no part in the coup, but under the restored regime of the Shah, Israel prospered. Israelis made fortunes selling weapons to the Iranian army. Israeli Shabak agents trained the Shah’s dreaded secret police, Savak. It was widely believed that they also taught them torture techniques. The Shah helped to build and pay for a pipeline for Iranian oil from Eilat to Ashkelon. Israeli generals traveled through Iran to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they helped the rebellion against Baghdad.
At the time, the Israeli leadership was cooperating with the South African apartheid regime in developing nuclear arms. The two offered the Shah partnership in the effort, so that Iran, too, would become a nuclear power.
Before that partnership became effective, the detested ruler was overthrown by the Islamic revolution of February 1979. Since then, the hatred of the Great Satan (the US) and the Little Satan (us) has played a major role in the propaganda of the Islamic regime. It has helped to keep the loyalty of the masses, and now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is using it to bolster his rule.
It seems that all Iranian factions – including the opposition – now support the Iranian effort to obtain a nuclear bomb of their own, ostensibly to deter an Israeli nuclear attack. (This week, the chief of the Mossad pronounced that an Iranian nuclear bomb would not constitute an “existential danger” to Israel.)
Where would the Islamic Republic be without Israel? So they owe us a big “Thank you”, too. HOWEVER, LET us not be too megalomaniac. Israel has contributed a lot to the Islamist awakening. But it is not the only – or even the main – contributor.
Strange as it may appear, obscurantist religious fundamentalism seems to express the Zeitgeist. An American nun-turned-historian, Karen Armstrong, has written an interesting book following the three fundamentalist movements in the Muslim world, in the US and in Israel. It shows a clear pattern: all these divergent movements – Muslim, Christian and Jewish – have passed through almost identical and simultaneous stages.
At present, all Israel is in turmoil because the powerful Orthodox community is compelling women in many parts of the country to sit separately in the back of buses, like blacks in the good old days in Alabama, and use separate sidewalks on one side of the streets. Male religious soldiers are forbidden by their rabbis to listen to women soldiers singing. In orthodox neighborhoods, women are compelled to swathe their bodies in garments that reveal nothing but their faces and hands, even in temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius and above. An 8-year old girl from a religious family was spat upon in the street because her clothes were not “modest” enough. In counter-demonstrations, secular women waved posters saying “Tehran is Here!”
Perhaps some day a fundamentalist Israel will make peace with a fundamentalist Muslim world, under the auspices of a fundamentalist American president.
Unless we do something to stop the process before it is too late. -
Marlena Ginga DerflerE razboi si e normal sa fie victime
Bogdan Trifan@Marlena: si de ce mama dracului e razboi? si daca e ... cui i se pare normal razboiul asta? al cui e si care e scopul lui?
ca daca ii intebi pe amaratii aia de oameni n-au nimic unul cu altul, nici israelienii de rand nici arabii de rand, pana la urma vor toti acelasi lucru, sa-si traiasca viata in pace si nu in teroare. cine sunt tampitii care nu risca nicio secunda sa fie omorati (ei sau familiile lor) si cu toate astea decid soarta razboiului? cine are de castigat din razboiul asta? - aflati asta si o sa aflati si cine e de vinaSee Translation
George RonceaHow Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas
Wall Street Journal, 24 January 2009
Moshav Tekuma, Israel
Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.
"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.
Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with "Yassins," primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.
Last Saturday, after 22 days of war, Israel announced a halt to the offensive. The assault was aimed at stopping Hamas rockets from falling on Israel. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hailed a "determined and successful military operation." More than 1,200 Palestinians had died. Thirteen Israelis were also killed.
Hamas responded the next day by lobbing five rockets towards the Israeli town of Sderot, a few miles down the road from Moshav Tekuma, the farming village where Mr. Cohen lives. Hamas then announced its own cease-fire.
Since then, Hamas leaders have emerged from hiding and reasserted their control over Gaza. Egyptian-mediated talks aimed at a more durable truce are expected to start this weekend. President Barack Obama said this week that lasting calm "requires more than a long cease-fire" and depends on Israel and a future Palestinian state "living side by side in peace and security."
A look at Israel's decades-long dealings with Palestinian radicals -- including some little-known attempts to cooperate with the Islamists -- reveals a catalog of unintended and often perilous consequences. Time and again, Israel's efforts to find a pliant Palestinian partner that is both credible with Palestinians and willing to eschew violence, have backfired. Would-be partners have turned into foes or lost the support of their people.
Israel's experience echoes that of the U.S., which, during the Cold War, looked to Islamists as a useful ally against communism. Anti-Soviet forces backed by America after Moscow's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan later mutated into al Qaeda.
Hamas supporters in Gaza City after the cease-fire.
At stake is the future of what used to be the British Mandate of Palestine, the biblical lands now comprising Israel and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Since 1948, when the state of Israel was established, Israelis and Palestinians have each asserted claims over the same territory.
The Palestinian cause was for decades led by the PLO, which Israel regarded as a terrorist outfit and sought to crush until the 1990s, when the PLO dropped its vow to destroy the Jewish state. The PLO's Palestinian rival, Hamas, led by Islamist militants, refused to recognize Israel and vowed to continue "resistance." Hamas now controls Gaza, a crowded, impoverished sliver of land on the Mediterranean from which Israel pulled out troops and settlers in 2005.
When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and '80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government officially recognized a precursor to Hamas called Mujama Al-Islamiya, registering the group as a charity. It allowed Mujama members to set up an Islamic university and build mosques, clubs and schools. Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
"When I look back at the chain of events I think we made a mistake," says David Hacham, who worked in Gaza in the late 1980s and early '90s as an Arab-affairs expert in the Israeli military. "But at the time nobody thought about the possible results."
Israeli officials who served in Gaza disagree on how much their own actions may have contributed to the rise of Hamas. They blame the group's recent ascent on outsiders, primarily Iran. This view is shared by the Israeli government. "Hamas in Gaza was built by Iran as a foundation for power, and is backed through funding, through training and through the provision of advanced weapons," Mr. Olmert said last Saturday. Hamas has denied receiving military assistance from Iran.
Arieh Spitzen, the former head of the Israeli military's Department of Palestinian Affairs, says that even if Israel had tried to stop the Islamists sooner, he doubts it could have done much to curb political Islam, a movement that was spreading across the Muslim world. He says attempts to stop it are akin to trying to change the internal rhythms of nature: "It is like saying: 'I will kill all the mosquitoes.' But then you get even worse insects that will kill you...You break the balance. You kill Hamas you might get al Qaeda."
When it became clear in the early 1990s that Gaza's Islamists had mutated from a religious group into a fighting force aimed at Israel -- particularly after they turned to suicide bombings in 1994 -- Israel cracked down with ferocious force. But each military assault only increased Hamas's appeal to ordinary Palestinians. The group ultimately trounced secular rivals, notably Fatah, in a 2006 election supported by Israel's main ally, the U.S.
Now, one big fear in Israel and elsewhere is that while Hamas has been hammered hard, the war might have boosted the group's popular appeal. Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas administration in Gaza, came out of hiding last Sunday to declare that "God has granted us a great victory."
Most damaged from the war, say many Palestinians, is Fatah, now Israel's principal negotiating partner. "Everyone is praising the resistance and thinks that Fatah is not part of it," says Baker Abu-Baker, a longtime Fatah supporter and author of a book on Hamas.
A Lack of Devotion
Hamas traces its roots back to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group set up in Egypt in 1928. The Brotherhood believed that the woes of the Arab world spring from a lack of Islamic devotion. Its slogan: "Islam is the solution. The Quran is our constitution." Its philosophy today underpins modern, and often militantly intolerant, political Islam from Algeria to Indonesia.
After the 1948 establishment of Israel, the Brotherhood recruited a few followers in Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza and elsewhere, but secular activists came to dominate the Palestinian nationalist movement.
At the time, Gaza was ruled by Egypt. The country's then-president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was a secular nationalist who brutally repressed the Brotherhood. In 1967, Nasser suffered a crushing defeat when Israel triumphed in the six-day war. Israel took control of Gaza and also the West Bank.
"We were all stunned," says Palestinian writer and Hamas supporter Azzam Tamimi. He was at school at the time in Kuwait and says he became close to a classmate named Khaled Mashaal, now Hamas's Damascus-based political chief. "The Arab defeat provided the Brotherhood with a big opportunity," says Mr. Tamimi. -
Marlena Ginga DerflerOare ce ar fi facut Putin daca trimetea un vecin rachete in rusia in casele oamenilor?See Translation
George RonceaIn Gaza, Israel hunted down members of Fatah and other secular PLO factions, but it dropped harsh restrictions imposed on Islamic activists by the territory's previous Egyptian rulers. Fatah, set up in 1964, was the backbone of the PLO, which was responsible for hijackings, bombings and other violence against Israel. Arab states in 1974 declared the PLO the "sole legitimate representative" of the Palestinian people world-wide.
A poster of the late Sheikh Yassin hangs near a building destroyed by the Israeli assault on Gaza.
The Muslim Brotherhood, led in Gaza by Sheikh Yassin, was free to spread its message openly. In addition to launching various charity projects, Sheikh Yassin collected money to reprint the writings of Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian member of the Brotherhood who, before his execution by President Nasser, advocated global jihad. He is now seen as one of the founding ideologues of militant political Islam.
Mr. Cohen, who worked at the time for the Israeli government's religious affairs department in Gaza, says he began to hear disturbing reports in the mid-1970s about Sheikh Yassin from traditional Islamic clerics. He says they warned that the sheikh had no formal Islamic training and was ultimately more interested in politics than faith. "They said, 'Keep away from Yassin. He is a big danger,'" recalls Mr. Cohen.
Instead, Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy. The university was one of the first targets hit by Israeli warplanes in the recent war.
Brig. General Yosef Kastel, Gaza's Israeli governor at the time, is too ill to comment, says his wife. But Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who took over as governor in Gaza in late 1979, says he had no illusions about Sheikh Yassin's long-term intentions or the perils of political Islam. As Israel's former military attache in Iran, he'd watched Islamic fervor topple the Shah. However, in Gaza, says Mr. Segev, "our main enemy was Fatah," and the cleric "was still 100% peaceful" towards Israel. Former officials say Israel was also at the time wary of being viewed as an enemy of Islam.
Mr. Segev says he had regular contact with Sheikh Yassin, in part to keep an eye on him. He visited his mosque and met the cleric around a dozen times. It was illegal at the time for Israelis to meet anyone from the PLO. Mr. Segev later arranged for the cleric to be taken to Israel for hospital treatment. "We had no problems with him," he says.
In fact, the cleric and Israel had a shared enemy: secular Palestinian activists. After a failed attempt in Gaza to oust secularists from leadership of the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Muslim version of the Red Cross, Mujama staged a violent demonstration, storming the Red Crescent building. Islamists also attacked shops selling liquor and cinemas. The Israeli military mostly stood on the sidelines.
Mr. Segev says the army didn't want to get involved in Palestinian quarrels but did send soldiers to prevent Islamists from burning down the house of the Red Crescent's secular chief, a socialist who supported the PLO.
'An Alternative to the PLO'
Clashes between Islamists and secular nationalists spread to the West Bank and escalated during the early 1980s, convulsing college campuses, particularly Birzeit University, a center of political activism.
As the fighting between rival student factions at Birzeit grew more violent, Brig. Gen. Shalom Harari, then a military intelligence officer in Gaza, says he received a call from Israeli soldiers manning a checkpoint on the road out of Gaza. They had stopped a bus carrying Islamic activists who wanted to join the battle against Fatah at Birzeit. "I said: 'If they want to burn each other let them go,'" recalls Mr. Harari.
A leader of Birzeit's Islamist faction at the time was Mahmoud Musleh, now a pro-Hamas member of a Palestinian legislature elected in 2006. He recalls how usually aggressive Israeli security forces stood back and let conflagration develop. He denies any collusion between his own camp and the Israelis, but says "they hoped we would become an alternative to the PLO."
A year later, in 1984, the Israeli military received a tip-off from Fatah supporters that Sheikh Yassin's Gaza Islamists were collecting arms, according to Israeli officials in Gaza at the time. Israeli troops raided a mosque and found a cache of weapons. Sheikh Yassin was jailed. He told Israeli interrogators the weapons were for use against rival Palestinians, not Israel, according to Mr. Hacham, the military affairs expert who says he spoke frequently with jailed Islamists. The cleric was released after a year and continued to expand Mujama's reach across Gaza.
Around the time of Sheikh Yassin's arrest, Mr. Cohen, the religious affairs official, sent a report to senior Israeli military and civilian officials in Gaza. Describing the cleric as a "diabolical" figure, he warned that Israel's policy towards the Islamists was allowing Mujama to develop into a dangerous force.
"I believe that by continuing to turn away our eyes, our lenient approach to Mujama will in the future harm us. I therefore suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face," Mr. Cohen wrote.
Mr. Harari, the military intelligence officer, says this and other warnings were ignored. But, he says, the reason for this was neglect, not a desire to fortify the Islamists: "Israel never financed Hamas. Israel never armed Hamas."
Roni Shaked, a former officer of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, and author of a book on Hamas, says Sheikh Yassin and his followers had a long-term perspective whose dangers were not understood at the time. "They worked slowly, slowly, step by step according to the Muslim Brotherhood plan." -
George RonceaDeclaring Jihad
In 1987, several Palestinians were killed in a traffic accident involving an Israeli driver, triggering a wave of protests that became known as the first Intifada, Mr. Yassin and six other Mujama Islamists launched Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement. Hamas's charter, released a year later, is studded with anti-Semitism and declares "jihad its path and death for the cause of Allah its most sublime belief."
Israeli officials, still focused on Fatah and initially unaware of the Hamas charter, continued to maintain contacts with the Gaza Islamists. Mr. Hacham, the military Arab affairs expert, remembers taking one of Hamas's founders, Mahmoud Zahar, to meet Israel's then defense minister, Yitzhak Rabin, as part of regular consultations between Israeli officials and Palestinians not linked to the PLO. Mr. Zahar, the only Hamas founder known to be alive today, is now the group's senior political leader in Gaza.
In 1989, Hamas carried out its first attack on Israel, abducting and killing two soldiers. Israel arrested Sheikh Yassin and sentenced him to life. It later rounded up more than 400 suspected Hamas activists, including Mr. Zahar, and deported them to southern Lebanon. There, they hooked up with Hezbollah, the Iran-backed A-Team of anti-Israeli militancy.
Many of the deportees later returned to Gaza. Hamas built up its arsenal and escalated its attacks, while all along maintaining the social network that underpinned its support in Gaza.
Meanwhile, its enemy, the PLO, dropped its commitment to Israel's destruction and started negotiating a two-state settlement. Hamas accused it of treachery. This accusation found increasing resonance as Israel kept developing settlements on occupied Palestinian land, particularly the West Bank. Though the West Bank had passed to the nominal control of a new Palestinian Authority, it was still dotted with Israeli military checkpoints and a growing number of Israeli settlers.
Unable to uproot a now entrenched Islamist network that had suddenly replaced the PLO as its main foe, Israel tried to decapitate it. It started targeting Hamas leaders. This, too, made no dent in Hamas's support, and sometimes even helped the group. In 1997, for example, Israel's Mossad spy agency tried to poison Hamas's exiled political leader Mr. Mashaal, who was then living in Jordan.
The agents got caught and, to get them out of a Jordanian jail, Israel agreed to release Sheikh Yassin. The cleric set off on a tour of the Islamic world to raise support and money. He returned to Gaza to a hero's welcome.
Efraim Halevy, a veteran Mossad officer who negotiated the deal that released Sheikh Yassin, says the cleric's freedom was hard to swallow, but Israel had no choice. After the fiasco in Jordan, Mr. Halevy was named director of Mossad, a position he held until 2002. Two years later, Sheikh Yassin was killed by an Israeli air strike.
Mr. Halevy has in recent years urged Israel to negotiate with Hamas. He says that "Hamas can be crushed," but he believes that "the price of crushing Hamas is a price that Israel would prefer not to pay." When Israel's authoritarian secular neighbor, Syria, launched a campaign to wipe out Muslim Brotherhood militants in the early 1980s it killed more than 20,000 people, many of them civilians.
In its recent war in Gaza, Israel didn't set the destruction of Hamas as its goal. It limited its stated objectives to halting the Islamists' rocket fire and battering their overall military capacity. At the start of the Israeli operation in December, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told parliament that the goal was "to deal Hamas a severe blow, a blow that will cause it to stop its hostile actions from Gaza at Israeli citizens and soldiers."
Walking back to his house from the rubble of his neighbor's home, Mr. Cohen, the former religious affairs official in Gaza, curses Hamas and also what he sees as missteps that allowed Islamists to put down deep roots in Gaza.
He recalls a 1970s meeting with a traditional Islamic cleric who wanted Israel to stop cooperating with the Muslim Brotherhood followers of Sheikh Yassin: "He told me: 'You are going to have big regrets in 20 or 30 years.' He was right." -
George Roncea row, from left: Major Gen. Hamid Gul, director general of Pakistan’s Inter...See More
Stefanescu Catalinin chenarul acelor copii se vede iadul, oare cine sunt adevarati comunistiSee Translation
George Roncealink-ul la materialul din wall strett:
George Roncea the wake of a suicide bomb attack Tuesday on a crowded Jerusalem city bus tha...See More
George Roncea created Hamas as an excuse to wage war on the Palestinians. For example, ...See More
George Roncea row, from left: Major Gen. Hamid Gul, director general of Pakistan’s Inter...See More
George Roncea’ve extensively documented that the U.S. and Israel created Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in an attempt to fight other enemies.
Marlena Ginga DerflerGeorge stiu ce spui , stiu ca hamasul este creatia Israelului dar ce conteaza e sa luptam pentru casa si familia noastra caci ei , dusmanii ne vor in mare . Nu poti nega chestia astaSee Translation
George Roncea all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in th...See More
George Roncea[Archive] Hamas history tied to Israel Palestinian Historical Facts
Marlena Ginga DerflerIn concluzie George ce faceai tu daca ungurii atacau tara ta cu rachete doua luni . Vorbesc de tara casele oamenilor cu copii mici?See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerDa si tu o solutie
Marlena Ginga DerflerIsraelul a atacat locurile de unde trageau astoa cu rachete si depozite de armament sau cladiri ale hamasului. A anuntat populatia ca bombardeaza . Poti nega asta?See Translation
George RonceaMarlena Ginga urasc razboiul mai mult decat orice pe pamant, am vazut lucruri oribile in anii in care haladuiam prin Iugoslavia, am vazut si la noi in Romania ce a insemnat tentativa de razboi civil care ar fi trebuit sa duca la zeci de mii de victime dupa planurile lui Brucan si ale lui Ilici.
stiu cat de cumplit miros cadavrele arse, stiu cum arata civilii zdrobiti de bombe, transformati in marmelada fumeganda, stiu cum arata copiii ciuruti de schije, cum arata oamenii facuti bucati, dezmembrati si descapatanati. mi-au ramas in minte pe vecie imagini si mai ales aceea teribila stare de spaima a oamenilor care-si asteapta sfarsitul, fara nicio aparare.
nu cred ca exista lasitate mai scarboasa si mai ordinara decat aceea a militarilor care dau cu bombe, de la adapostul bunkarului, in civili.
violenta fara limite si crima institutionalizata asta este razboiul. purtat de niste apevisti cretini, decerebrati cel mai adesesea, utilizati de niste "profesori" de teapa lui Brzezinski pe post de ciomgari planetari.
anumite grupari din Israel, de la Camp David incoace, au facut pe dracu' in patru ca sa impiedice orice fel de Pace.
anumite grupari din Israel chiar au uncis un premier evreu pentru ca incerca varianta Pacii.
anumite fiinte subumane, descrise de Ostrovski in cartea sa despre Mossad vor cu orice pret razboi, deoarece este un bizniz de mare amploare. anumiti ticalosi de la Washington au folosit razboiul pentru a se imbogati pentru a-si asigura pe veacuri controlul pe resursele altora. nu sunt cu nimic mai prejos acesti Caini ai razboiului decat alde Hitler si Stalin, doi criminali insetati de sange.
razboiul din filme si de la televizor este un rahat in ploaie pe langa ce se intampla in realitate. imagini edulcorate si tampenii de Hollywood cu care este alimentata necontenit setea de sange, de moarte. eu am vazut cum arata moartea in tot felul de ocazii. am scapat de cateva ori numai cu voia lui Dumnezeu. de vreo 20 de ani, din '89 mai excat, de cand a inceput un nou ciclu al lumii, s-a activat un fel de al Treilea Razboi Mondial, format dintr-o serie de razboaie raspandite prin tot felul de locuri. cei care alimenteaza aceasta masinarie sunt criminali cinici, fara niciun respect pentru viata omeneasca. sunt jigodii lacome care traiesc scaldandu-se in sange. si la voi, in Israel sunt destule voci care cer Pacea. sunt din pacate inca lipsite de vigoare. stiu ca pentru oamenii simpli, pentru civili, este o drama perpetua traiul in conditii de razboi, intre alarme aeriene, cu frica mereu in san. am vazut ce inseamna asta.
ma tem ca pana nu se va gasi o cale de castrare a Cainilor Razboiului, salbaticiunile astea insetate de sange vor tot face pui, lighioane de teapa lor. ei sunt cei care au creat si alimentat terorismul, scarnavii manate de foamea de carne Brzezinski de exemplu, pe care l-am pomenit anterior, taticu' lu' Osama bin Laden (mamica a fost CIA).
cat despre criminalii de la KGB, ca Putin, la care te-ai referit tu intr-o postare anterioara, acesta pentru a ajunge la putere si-a macelarit propriul popor. ca si Eltin. ca si Stalin....See Translation -
George RonceaA anunta IDF-ul ca bombardeaza? cum a anuntat, pe fax, pe mail, pe feisbuk? copiii aia zdrobiti de bombe sunt de vina ca n-au avut feisbuk si n-au citit la timp mesajele sms ale IDF? si unde sa se piteasca, in gaura de sarpe? am vazut cum arata casele strapunse de sus pana jos, la fundatie, de rachetele performante ale glorioasei armate israeliene... uciderea civililor si a copiilor este crima de razboi. nu zic eu asta ci Conventia de la GenevaSee Translation
George RonceaMarlena Ginga Derfler,
vad ca faci un efort sa ma faci sa inteleg tragedia evreilor expusi atacurilor Hamas, pe care o inteleg pe deplin de altfel, si ma duci catre exemplificari legate de rusoi, de unguri etc.
te informez ca ungurii chiar au ucis zeci de mii de civili romani, glorioasa armata maghiara care de 500 de ani n-a avut nicio victorie pe campul de lupta.
au ucis, au ucis, au ucis copii, femei si batrani fara aparare. stii care este rezultatul? astazi UDMR, organizatia acestor criminali insetati de sange de roman conduce practic Romania. sunt la guvernare de aproape doua decenii si controleaza jocul politic fara intrerupere din ' despre criminalii rusi, ai pe goagla mii de linkuri. au reocupat Romania in decembrie 1989, prin agentura jidaneasca in principal, prin ucigasii sanguinari ai kominternului de teapa lui Saul Brukner (aka Silviu Brucan), cel care isi dorea 60 000 de victime...
uite aici documentare:,_1940-1944“Am observat întâi cã este o harta româneascã. Am desfãcut-o cu nordul în jos, c...See More -
Marlena Ginga DerflerMa depaseste deja ' ma retrag ca habar nu am!!!!
Marlena Ginga Derfler"E MULTE SI E GRELE" minti luminate nu rezolva subiectul ' dar noi eu pot pune link-uri pro Israel aici dar nu-mi mai bat capul.See Translation
Adrian Bucurmie imi este clar un lcuru... evreii vor ca palestinienii sa nu mai existe acolo. orice scuze inventam pentru acest popor tulburat vina singelui de pe capetele copiilor si urmasilor celor care l-au rastignit pe Mesia , ii face sa adauge rau la rau si merg spre o rautate fara margini... este iadul iar ei se transforma in demoni... nu mai fiti ridicoli ... eu nu am vazut victime evrei... sunt numai palestinieni nu va mai faceti ca nu vedeti acest lucru... iar evreii sunt straini in acea tara... pe care au ocupat-o cum au ocupat rusii atatea teritorii... pamantul ala nu le apartine, sa fim clari...See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAdriane e tocmai invers .Arabii au atatea tari pe cand evreii una mica cat moldova .Ei nu ne vor aici , ar dori sa plecammm dupa ce am construit o tara superba in desert ca ei sa o ia!!!!!Avem adaposturi si antirachete caci altfel `ar fi fost victime multe.Statul Israel are grija de cetateni pe cand organizatia terorista care conduce fasia Gaza , foloseste copii si femei ca scuturi umane.Avem o armata umana care anunta populatia palestiniana prin manifeste si radio sa se adaposteasca ca vor bombarda OBIECTIVE NU CETATENI in Gaza.See Translation
Adrian Bucurimi pare rau dar mai uita-te odata ce s-a intamplat in 47 si dupa aceea mai povestim... daca erati asa de pasnici de ce a trebuit sa navaltiti peste ei ?See Translation
Adrian Bucursi acum normal ca ce sa faceti si voi , tre sa ii exterminati ,,, cam atat ati invatat din lagarele naziste ... sa deveniti ca si calaii vostri..See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAu plecat singuri de aici
Marlena Ginga Derflertrebuia ca Israelul sa fie o tara a poporului evreu si cu minoritate araba dar eiiiiiiiii au vrut sa fie miezul si sa conduca si tarisoara asta pe care am primit-o cand s-a impartit lumea dupa al doilea razboi mondialSee Translation
Adrian Bucurhai ca esti sarcastica si ma faci sa rid... cat de jalnic suna ... te vezi scriind ? te auzi gandind? ia mai uita-te tu un pic in urma si vezi ce au facut consagenii tai... nu cumva adevarul e altul?See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerBAAAAAAHHH studiaza si tu ca aici in Israel sunt sate arabesti si arabi care traiesc bineSee Translation
Marlena Ginga Derflersunt cetateni israelieni si au afaceri , o duc bine si traiesc in pace cu poporul evreuSee Translation
Adrian Bucurnu ati primit nimic... a fost luata cu sila cu sprijinul englezilor si comunitatea internationala nu a zis nimic, a tacut milcSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAdrianeeeee , nu-l recunosti pe domnul vostru isus in cazul in care nu recunosti Tara sfanta si poporul ales .Isus a fost evreu si a murit evreu in tzara evreilor de acum 2000 de ani YUDEEA.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerRegele David care a construit IERUSALIMUL CA SI CAPITALA A POPORULUI EVREU a fost evreu si tu ii citesti psalmii in biserica fratele meuSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerTu studiezi teologia si urasti poporul ales de D-zeu? Vei fi pedepsit dupa cum i-a spus D-zeu lui Abraham.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerVedeti cum" patinati" , cat barfiti poporul sfant ca veti fi blestemati...TAKE CARE!!!!
Adrian Bucurpai daca e Domnul nostru Iisus (ca habar nu ai cum se scrie numele sau ai si il scrii intentionat asa, lcuru care nu m-ar mira) atunci si noi suntem ai lui, si daca eu sunt dintre pagani, si el ca neam era din casa lui David, inseamna ca suntem altoiti prin singele nostru in care ne regasim noi cel care il recunoastem ca DOMN si DUmnezeu ... poporul tau nu l-a recunoscut si l-a rastignit... au mintit da vezi tu ca aici la voi se rupe filmul pentru ca originea lui nu e omeneasca ci e Dumnezeiasca fiin in acelasi timp si Fiul lui DUmnezeu , Dumnezeu adevarat din Dumnezeu adevarat, lucru pe care voi iarasi l-ati respins si traiti sub acest blestem cu care stramosii tai au cazut ca propriu blestem... asta e drama voastra de 2000 de ani incoace... ati plecat in lume ati dat peste cap toata lumea asta cu ura voastra fara de margini si acuma nimiciti totul ... habar nu ai nici despre istoria voastra ca tot voi sunteti cei care v-ati ucis proorocii adica ati urat totdeauna adevarul si nu mai aveti Dumnezeu acuma... iar DUmenzeu nu mai e cu voi de 2000 de ani incoace... va asteptam totusi sa va intoarceti, cu dragoste...See Translation
Adrian Bucurnu stiu daca esti botezata dar am credinta ca nu esti sora mea inca... asa ca nu mai imi spune mie "fratele meu"See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerNu te tragi din sangele lui tu, tu ai trecut la crestinism si atat. Nu stiu cum se scrie Isus caci nu e domnul meu ' in viziunea mea e un revolutionar evreu care a vrut sa faca anumite schimbari in acele vremuri , in religieSee Translation
Adrian Bucurhahaha hai ca esti comica... hai sa iti aduc un pic aminte ca e si istorie aici ... chiar daca nu e Domnul tauSee Translation
Adrian Bucur"Si, vazand Pilat ca nimic nu foloseste, ci mai mare tulburare se face, luand apa, si-a spalat mainile inaintea multimii, zicand: "Nevinovat sunt de sangele Dreptului acestuia. Voi veti vedea".
Iar tot poporul a raspuns si a zis: "Sangele Lui asupra noastra si asupra copiilor nostri!" Atunci le-a eliberat pe Varava, iar pe Iisus L-a biciuit si L-a dat sa fie rastignit (Mt. 27, 17-26)."See Translation -
Adrian Bucurasta da blestem...
Marlena Ginga DerflerFratioare ' romanule , daca ai fi un om spiritual teolog ai intelege esenta religiei .Toti suntem frati , creatia unui singur D-ZEU TATALSee Translation
Adrian Bucure sa zic
Marlena Ginga DerflerHALA PREOT O SA DEVII TU...
Adrian Bucurdar mai trebuie sa si recunoastem acest Dumnezeu Tatal si pe Fiul sau pe care L-a trimis in lume ... e simplu. dar problema este ca nu toti il rescunosc ca unic DUmnezeu , daca s-ar intampla asta istoria ar lua sfarsit si ar fi un pamant si un singur cer si toti ar trari vesnic... dar din pacate si in pacate omenirea se sclada in sangele nevinovatilor care sunt omorati in razboaieSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerSunt monoteista ' credinta intr-un singur D-zeu Tatal. Rescpect credinta altora nu ca tineSee Translation
Adrian Bucurpai si crestinii tot monoteisti sunt...
Adrian Bucuruite cine vorbeste despre iubire si despre aproapele nu vezi ca puti a ipocrizie?See Translation
Marlena Ginga Derflertrinitatea?
Adrian Bucurvezi-ti de nazismul tau primar
Marlena Ginga DerflerPai eu vreau moartea copiilor sau a oamenilor?Esti prost?Eu vreau pace si liniste dar daca altii ne vor morti ne aparam casele si familia.See Translation
Marlena Ginga Derflerlolllllllllllllll
Marlena Ginga DerflerTHE WORLD STANDS WITH ***ISRAEL*** facebook and its founder stand with Israel!!! All of civilized world stands with ISRAEL! SAUDI ARABIA stands with ISRAEL also by letting drones that bombed gaza be operated from US military basis. Arabs helping JEWS to destroy arabs!!! Take that !
Marlena Ginga Derfler
Marlena Ginga DerflerDECI decideti si voi .Cate tari arabe sunt in jurul nostru si cat de mica e tara evreilorSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerAsta nu mai e propaganda...
Marlena Ginga DerflerUitati adevarul responsibility to tell and explain the world about what is really happening ...See More
Marlena Ginga Derfler TO COPE IN YOUR MIND...The responsibility to tell and explain the world about what is really happening ...See More
Marlena Ginga DerflerCum arata ei HAMASUL si cum arata lumea , populatia in Israel. Diferenta
Marlena Ginga Derfler worth thinking ofThe responsibility to tell and explain the world about what is really happening ...See More
Marlena Ginga DerflerIsrael le da apa , curent si benzina .
Marlena Ginga Derfler6 hours into the cease fire and rockets are still being fired at Israeli civilians. 20 thus far.
Israel is not retaliating.
Back to the reality of the 12 years leading up to Pillar of Defense. -
Marlena Ginga Derfler SHARE WORLDWIDE!The responsibility to tell and explain the world about what is really happening ...See More
Marlena Ginga DerflerASTA E REALITATEA
Bede Crissi razboiul tot continua,iar unii doar vorbesc,cu dovezi,infruntari,un fel de parlament,cu jigniri si atata trufie....cineva de aici a mai postat si un citat care care vorbeste de a face bine,ha...oare de ce,daca nu il urmeaza???!! inainrte de a judeca pe altii,mai bine am vedea ce e cu tara noastra,daca tot vorbesc atat de inflacarati!!
Marlena Ginga Derflerלהפיץ כדי שגם בחו"ל יראו כמה אנשי החמאס אכזרים. כך החמאס מוציא להורג אזרחים עזתי...See MoreBy: קהילות דצ'ו
Marlena Ginga DerflerBede sa te vad eu pe tine cand tre sa-ti aperi copiii , familia si casa de teroristi care te vor moartaSee Translation
George RonceaVad ca deageaba am postat ditamai bibliografia Marlena Ginga Derfler despre Hamasul creat de Israel pentru a-l folosi impotriva lui Arafat. Cine scoate din sticla duhurile rele n-are cum sa se mai dea victima acum. Pe Arafat l-a otravit Sharon cu poloniu, desi era izolat si tinut ca un caine in cusca. Tot israelienii au pompat arme si bani in dosul dementilor de la Hamas si acum, culmea ipocriziei, se plang ca ca se trage asupra lor cu armele livrate de ei. e de ras sau de plans? sunt evreii idioti complet? eu cred ca da. n-am vazut nicio miscare de strada in Israel, cam ca in Spania sau in Grecia impotriva Mossadului si a conducatorilor iresponsabili ai serviciilor militare care l-au ucis pe Itzhak Rabin, pentru ca vroia sa semneze un acord de pace. desi datele pe care le-am citat, cu privire la legatura intima dintre Hamas si anumite servicii isareliene sunt cunoscute n-am vazut nicio petitie publica care sa ceara pedepsirea evreilor cretini responsabili de sustinerea Hamas. cand o sa vad o astfel de petitie eu va promit ca o voi raspandi asa cum am facut si cu imaginile copiilor din Gaza ucisi de rachetele curajosilor si bravilor militari israelieni, carora sangele de copil pe maini li se asorteaza atat de bine la uniforma....See Translation
Ana AnaFotografiile de mai sus, sunt din Siria, nu din Gaza. O parte din ele au circulat si pe-aici, inainte de a inzucni ciocnirile din Gaza.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerGeorge asta-i lumea ! Deocamdata ei ne sunt dusmani de moarte iar noi suntem mai umani.Luptam pentru tara noastra ERETZ ISRAEL!!!!See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerNu s-a dovedit nimic sunt doar supozitii ; otravit de Sharon cu poloniu.Erau si altii interesati sa moara Arafat.Un hot care a furat miliarde de la poporul palestinianSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerArme livrate de noi de acum 20 de ani? hahahaha Arme de la Iranieni care finanteaza terorismul in zona si jihad-ul dragul meu!!!Si americanii l-au creat pe Bin Laden ' asa se lucreaza in lumea asta.Cate chestii nu face SRI sau vechea securitate?Toate statele o fac ca de exemplu Lady Diana omorata la comanda reginei etc....supozitiiSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerIsraelienii au bombardat tinte hamas ...anuntand de fiecare data prin manifeste si radio ca lumea sa se indeparteze de locurile cu armament ascuns sau locurile de unde trag Rachete!!!!CE faceai tu?Cum actionai?Stateai asa sa primesti rachete-n cap?nu trebuia oare sa cauti sa distrugi pe cei care le trimit si locurile de unde trimit?Daca hamasul foloseste copii si femei ca SCUTURI UMANE E TREABA LOR!!!Vezi ce scrie GOLDA MEIR? Asta e diferenta intre noi!!!!See Translation
Marlena Ginga Derflerלהפיץ כדי שגם בחו"ל יראו כמה אנשי החמאס אכזרים. כך החמאס מוציא להורג אזרחים עזתי...See MoreBy: קהילות דצ'ו
Marlena Ginga Derfler
Marlena Ginga DerflerIn legatura cu serviciile secrete (ca aici bati tu ) ma depaseste subiectul dar ma las pe mana lor caci ei vor face tot ce e posibil pentru poporul lui ISRAEL.See Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerEu cred ca aceste cuvinte spun tot in ceea ce priveste relatia dintre palestinieni si evrei:See Translation
Bede CrisDna M D G,nu-mi purtati de grija,va multumesc mult,de asta am eu gj in ograda mea!!iar ce era de citit,saptamana viitoare cu siguranta am sa lecturez dle ziarist!!in fine,nu intru in polemici,imi place sa tac si sa fac in tara in care chiar si cu petitii si iesiri in ring nimic nu se face!!
Marlena Ginga DerflerOff ... fuduli si aroganti multi prin Romania.
Bede CrisNu generalizati,nu e frumos daca nu cunoasteti omul!de asta nu se intampla nimic in tara asta,ca ne *mananca* de altii!!judecati,judecati,judecati!!de ras,dar este parerea opiniei dvoastra v-o respect si ma abtin,corespondenta nu imi place,adevaratele discutii se tin prin viu grai!sa aveti o seara asa cum va doriti,nu asa cum ganditi
Adrian Bucurintre timp in gaza armata israeliana deschide focul asupra fermierilor: 20 years old, Anwar Qadiah, killed today as israeli forces opene...See More -
Marlena Ginga DerflerHahahaha. Au venit la gardul de frontiera si nu aveau voie sa se apropoe. Au incercat sa taie gardul cu toate ca s-a hotarat sa nu se apropoe de frontiera la o animita distantaSee Translation
Marlena Ginga DerflerProvocari , oameniii sunt foloditi
Adrian Bucurce incercari jalnice sa explici cum mor oamenii...
Marlena Ginga Derfler Dezinformati total , nu ma mai agit
George Ronceastimata doamna Marlena Ginga Derfler, scuze am lipsit oleaca dar acu revenii, special pentru dvs. cu toata simpatia va invit sa cititi cate ceva de folos despre propria dvs tara si mai ales despre cei care o conduc.
ca si la noi, sunt multe lepre in randul asa zisei elite conducatoare, formate din tot felul de ticalosi.
Cainii Razboiului sunt de peste 4 decenii hraniti, indopati chiar de catre bezmeticii unor institutii scapate de sub orice control...
cititi mai jos (doar) cateva pasaje:
• The Mossad regards anyone in Israel who believes in peace with the Palestinians, or withdrawal from the occupied territories as little better than a traitor. It has sold arms and provided information to fundamentalist extremist Muslim groups via third parties in order to undermine the stability of Arab States and the credibility of their leaders with The West. Anything to keep the conflict burning.
• The Mossad planned to assasinate president George Bush Sr at the Madrid peace talks in 1991, due to his policy of pressuring Israel to the negotiaing table by freezing their loan guarantees.
• Mossad Creates and Controls Islamic Extremist Groups and Uses Them As Patsies
"Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well witht he Mossad's general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. And if the Mossad could arrange for the Hamas (Palestinian fundamentalists) to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete."
Victor Ostrovsky - The Other Side of Deception - pg. 197
• Mossad Frames People as Nazis to Discredit Them
There was growing dissatisfaction in the Mossad and in the right-wing elements of the Israeli government regarding the behaviour of Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who was defying direct Israeli warnings regarding his relationship with the Austrian leader Kurt Waldheim, who had been branded a Nazi. (The branding was done by a field unity of Mossad that entered a UN building on Park Avenue South in New York and placed several incriminating documents that had been removed from other files into Waldheim’s file and the files of a few other individuals-for future use.
The falsified documents were then ”discovered” by Israel ambassador to the UN, Benjamin Netanyhu, as part of a smear campaign against Waldheim, who was critical of Israeli activities in southern Lebanon.)
Victor Ostrovsky - The Other Side of Deception, page 228-229
• Mossad Control International Media
"He then wanted to hear as much as I could tell him about Robert Maxwell, the British newspaper magnate. His reason was that they were aware of the constant Mossad interest in purchasing media so that it could both influence public opinion and use journalism as a cover for inserting agents into countries.
"He identified Maxwell as a Mossad agent and also reminded me of other occasions on which the Mossad had been behind the purchase of newspapers in England. As an example, he gave the Eastern African, which was bought with Mossad money by an Israeli businessman. The purchase was made, he said, to assist the South African propaganda machine in making apartheid more palatable in the West....Maxwell was a sayan on a grand scale."
page 203
• Mossad Destabilizes Countries Through Various Means Including Civil Anarchy, Arming Religious Fanatics, and Assassinations
As long as it was political, it was fine, but now the Mossad is plunging headlong into this shit. They’ve decided that it’s time to destabilize Jordan to the point of civil anarchy. Destabilize? How?
A high influx of counterfeit currency, causing distrust in the market; arming religious fundamentalist elements similar to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood; and assassinating leading figures who are symbols of stability, causing riots in the universities and forcing government to respond with harsh measures and lose popularity
Wasn’t the Mossad running weapons to the Egyptian fundamentalists through Afghanistan or something?
That’s right....
Ostrovsky - The Other Side of Deception, page 143
• Mossad Planned an Assassination of George Bush Using Palestinian Patsies at the Madrid Peace Conference
There was no doubt that Bush would be out of his element on October 30 when he arrived in Madrid to open the peace talks.
It was clear from the start that the assassination would be blamed on the Palestinians-perhaps ending once and for all their irritating resistance and making them the people most hated by all Americans.
Three Palestinian extremists were taken by a Kidon unit from their hiding place in Beirut and relocated incommunicado in a special detention location in the Negev desert. The three were Beijdun Salameh, Mohammed Hussein, and Hussein Shahin.
At the same time, various threats, some real and some not, were made against the president. The Mossad clique added its share, in order to more precisely define the threat as if it were coming from a group affiliated with a certain guarantee of getting attention and keeping it. So if something were to happen, the media would be quick to react and say, We knew about it, and don’t forget where you saw it first.
Victor Ostrovsky - The Other Side of Deception, page 278-279
autorul lucrarilor despe Mossad-ul dvs este descris aici:
Ostrovsky joined the Israeli Youth Brigade at 14 and quickly became an expert marksman, finishing second in a 1964 national shooting competition with a score of 192 out of 200. At the age of 17 he joined the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) after a minor eye condition ended his hopes of becoming a pilot. He was assigned to the Military Police and rose to command the Nablus Military Police Base, after which he was made commanding officer of the Military Police West Bank Central Command.
After his service with the Military Police, Ostrovsky spent six years in the Israeli navy. He was selected to attend the Staff and Command School and attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Ostrovsky was placed in charge of all Navy weapons testing. He helped introduce the Harpoon surface-to-surface missile to the Saar Missile Boats, as well as the Vulcan Phalanx anti-missile defense system.
According to court papers filed by the Israeli government in an attempt to stop the publication of his book By Way of Deception, in 1982, Ostrovsky was recruited by the Mossad and trained at the Mossad Academy north of Tel Aviv as a katsa (case officer)
dupa cum se vede a avut o cariera militara de exceptie, a fost un evreu care si-a dedicat viata apararii Israelului, si a luptat cu curaj chiar si impotriva serpilor din interiorul apaartului corupt si ticalos al Mossad-ului.
extrase din lucrarile sale si lista cartilor sale se gasesc aici: Way of Deception, & The Other Side of Deception -
Ovidiu FloroiuMa mir ca nu l-au intrebat "colegii"daca nu cumva ii e cald cu dintii-n gura!See Translation
George Ronceaa avut parte de niste aventuri incendiare...e printre putinii care au scapat dupa astfel de dezvaluiri. a beneficiat de protectia serviciilor canadiene si americane, pana acum. un lucru e cert, daca va avea vreodata un "accident" fie si in urma unei alunecari pe o coaja de banana va fi atribuit tot vechilor sai colegi...See Translation
Ovidiu Floroiubineinteles ca da.L-am citit pe nea Victor si mi-a placut mult.Sper sa se mai trezeasca si altii Banuiesc ca numai o anumita parte din serviciile mai sus mentionate l-au protejat (si aia au curaj) .Important e ca dupa unul sa urmeze si altii care sa se trezeasca.See Translation
Elena Panturuin general cand avem draci pe cineva lovim in noi suntem ucisi zilnic de actualii guvernanti .trist ,dar adevarat ...See Translation
Mtz W Stricatescuhow can you "like" this??????
Mtz W StricatescuUNLIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrian Bucur"{p. xi} The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers."
Adrian Bucur{p. 53} He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
Adrian Bucurdiferenta dintre sionism si iudaism va este explicata aici de catre credinciosi iudei care au la baza Torah: Translation -
Stan Stelicageorgica, asa este, copiii nu au nici o vina. nu te vad indignat de faptele parintilor, acei ingerasi teroristi arabi puii de camile sifilitice, tot asa cum nu te-ai indignat de barbariile sirbilor. prietenii nostrii. ei si codrul. asa e cind semeni vint ,culegi furtunaSee Translation