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despre relatia Rusia - Israel

Cateva mici informatii ajutatoare pentru intelegerea conexiunilor dintre Rusia si Israel

...postare pornita de aici, de la uimirea Marlenei cu privire la background-ul rusesc al unor cadre de varf ale armatei si serviciilor israeliene



"...were 290 Jewish high commanders in the Soviet Army during World War II. Among them were 278 generals, including 9 general-colonels, 48 general-lieutenants, and 220 general-majors. Four generals (J. Keizer, Y. Gorodensky, L. Skvirsky, and Y. Danishevsky) were army commanders, four generals (I. Babich, I. Rubin, Y. Shteinman, and Z. Rogozni) commanded corps. Thirteen generals headed rifle divisions and three generals commanded cavalry divisions.

About 20 generals served in the High Commander Headquarters, the Soviet Army General Staff, the Navy and Air Force Staffs. They closely participated in development and implementation of the main strategic operations of the Soviet Army during the war. More than 50 Jewish generals headed industrial, construction and transportation agencies and ministries, which worked for war needs. One of them was General-Colonel Boris Vannikov, the minister of ammunition during the war time.

During World War II about 600,000 Jews served in the US Army, including 26 generals and admirals. Among them were American high ranking officers D. Sarnoff, M. Rose, M. Krulevich, L. Markus (all of them of Russian-Jewish origin).

There are 101 biographical sketches of the high-ranking Jews who served in the Armed Forces of the
USSR, Great Britain, France, Italy, German, Poland, Yugoslavia and other countries. Not surprisingly, the USSR is on the top of this list due to its huge Jewish population at the beginning of WWII and this country’s significant role in the war. Biographies of 54 Jewish generals from the former USSR are given. Many were victims of political persecutions before the war and the state antisemitic policy after the war.

Russia is Israel with its 30 generals including Haim Laskov, Mordechai Maklef, Yigal Allon, Moshe Dayan, and Ezer Weizman. It is interesting to note that many of them had Russian roots. Another characteristic feature of Israeli generals is that almost all of them started military service from low positions and then, due to their talents, reached top posts in the IDF at the relatively early age – in their 30s.

Many of Israeli generals had not only extensive military training but got university degrees in various technical and humanitarian disciplines. After retirement a lot of them entered politics and became members of the Knesset. General Ezer Weizman became the seventh president of the state of
Israel. Many of the retired Israeli generals got top positions in the state economy."



Ultima modificare pe Luni, 03 Decembrie 2012 14:02

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