(pe romaneste rusoii si haholii se cam caca pe ei...le-a bagat morcovu "Christian Negri" adica Negrea Cristian, doar cu o singura carte, deocamdata...)
Ukrainian newspaper "Day" April 4 analyzes the novel by Romanian writer Christian Negri, modeling of the Ukrainian-Romanian dispute over Bessarabia military.
"Blood on the Dniester" - that is transferred to a new work by Christian Negri. It is written on the model of many controversial novels of recent wars between neighboring nations ... And would not cause so much emotion in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and the breakaway Dniester republic, if all parties to the conflict were not aware: one of the scenarios described long-standing territorial conflict resolution. And the script - not shocking imagination of the author and one of the possible options for a radical solution to the problem of post-Soviet borders in a particular case ... Of course, the author of "Blood on the Dniester" could only have a goal to shock the reader and thereby increase sales of his novel. But this kind of sentiment has consistently expressed a part of Romania's political establishment, until the current President Traian Basescu . The last date of the annexation, even called Bessarabia - 2025 (November 30, 2010, in response to questions Publishing Romania Libera , Romanian President Traian Basescu said the following: "Romania Libera: Is there a time perspective, for example, 25 years, in which Romania and the Republic of Moldova join - President Traian Basescu: Why not? - RL: How do you see this region in 25 years - TB: The boundaries of the EU will be the Dniester, and democratic development in the region will be an incentive for other countries - such as the Ukraine - to rush into the EU. After 25 years, the Balkans are part of the EU and NATO . - RL: In Romania and Bessarabia in the same country - TB: If you wish to be Romanians from both banks of the Prut River "- approx. IA REGNUM ) In the 15 years later than in the novel Negri, but also in the foreseeable future, "- says the publication.
"Not only Ukraine is a potential target for territorial desires. Moldova and Transdniestria in this plan are not less vulnerable, and attractive. Frozen for 10 years of conflict in the Dniester River (Russia stopped military aggression against Moldova's Transnistria in the summer of 1992 - approx. IA REGNUM ) somehow must be resolved. And in Romania, many of those who do not mind seeing his solution by military means ... Ukraine may be involved in military conflict, not only because of the encroachment on their territory, but in the case of territorial conflicts among neighbors. And the most of the current border conflict is just the Transnistrian problem - heiress, like most such conflicts, the Jesuit Stalin's nationalities policy. artificial boundaries, where there are former Soviet republics, making them internally and externally vulnerable and largely serve the cause of problems with national identity among citizens of these states. Ukraine - one of the states suffering from a similar situation, but thank God its territory was not armed conflicts and ethnic clashes. another matter - Moldova and Transnistria. This conflict can not be resolved without radical measures to ensure the incorporation of Transnistria or Ukraine, or Moldova, or in a single Romanian-Moldovan state - says the publication. - The reunification of Moldova ("Moldova Bessarabian"), and Romania is not so unrealistic (Obviously a "reunion" means the reoccupation of Bessarabia by Romania, by analogy with the occupation in the 1918 - 1940 and 1941-1944. annexation of Bessarabia, Romania was not recognized by the USSR, before the invasion of Romania in December 1917, the territory belonged to Russia Bessarabia, the latter nothing to do with Romania and Romanians did not have - approx. IA REGNUM ). Romania in recent years has strengthened its military capabilities, so the idea of "Greater Romania" have not gone away. "
"Build in recent years, its military power and having the support behind the U.S. and NATO, Romania may continue to behave in a rollicking for Ukraine. She was a lot can - and largely because of the actions or inactions of the Ukrainian side: as in the case of Snake and the Giurgiulesti. Another thing - support the Europeans and Americans have a direct military aggression in Romania. So far, this development seems questionable. stakes are not so large as to encourage the Romanian revanchism to a critical level. Especially if it might lead to war not only with Ukraine, and Russia, decide that speak out in defense of Pridnestrovie. Of course, Russia is also unlikely to ready for war with Romania (ie NATO) in Transnistria. And it is hardly ready to Ukraine. However, in such extreme situations, there are so many circumstances that are impossible to calculate (from the global geopolitical situation to the personal qualities of leaders of countries involved in the conflict), and because they give rise to fantasies of novelists "- sums up the" Day ".
Also, the publication cites the opinion of the Romanian expert Oany Popescu, Director, Center for Conflict Prevention in Bucharest: "As for books, Christian Negri, in his blog, he defines it as" political-military thriller "- a fantasy novel, which is served in a war scenario in 2014. I doubt it will get some support in the Romanian society. I even have no idea why the author sees the opportunity. To be honest, I can not even imagine this in a tangible future. This book - not political and not scientific, it's fantastic novel. Therefore, since it is a fiction, it is possible to imagine anything - including the war between Switzerland and Luxembourg, or between Australia and Canada! Negri's book does not reflect any "conflicting feelings" in the Romanian society. Nobody wants to be in conflict with the any neighbor of a range of political and social, on the contrary, we observe with concern what is happening in the Balkans, where again there are some inter-ethnic violence. We are not happy with the instability in our region. That is why Romania supports the Euro-Atlantic integration of the entire region: so that he could become space solid and lasting peace and prosperity. As for the statement Basescu that Moldova may in the next 25 years to return to the outside of Romania, and the border of the European Union will take place on the Dniester, which was quoted RIA-Novosti, - this is a very inaccurate statement quoted the President of Romania . Basescu said that after 25 years, Romania and the Republic of Moldova will be together again as members of the European Union, where borders do not matter. He said that as soon as the Republic of Moldova and Balkan countries become EU members, it will also give a powerful impetus to other neighbors, such as Ukraine, to do the same. Romania has always strongly supported the aspirations of its neighbors to become members of the EU and NATO. And again, again, it is not about unification with Moldova, and how to be together in the EU. "
However, the Ukrainian political analyst Vitaly Kulik in her Facebook notes: "The question is not futurology, but the fact that in Romania there is demand for such a Literary, she SHOWS it is the public mood."
Подробности: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=ro&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.ro&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fregnum.ru%2Fnews%2Fpolit%2F1517574.html&usg=ALkJrhjb5xciDx1ejhnrQIU0jkofF4DLyQ#ixzz1rZ7PssUn
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Neuronos Citizen aş vrea ieşirea Moldovei de sub măcelarul Putin dar nici hiena UE nu e bună ...9 aprilie la 20:49 · · 2
George Roncea nici asa nici almintneri....adica cum ar trebui Neuronos Citizen ca sa fie bine? in nicun fel?...nu iegzista in "niciun fel" pe lumea asta. exista ori intr-un fel ori in alt fel. cand vreodata s-a intamplat ca vreo cizma asezata pe gatul nostru sa nu fie inlocuita ba de un papuc, ba de un bocanc, ba de vreo pereche de pantofiori Prada?9 aprilie la 21:04 · · 6
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George RonceaIugoslavia a fost un experiment de tip masonic, nu doar rusii si-au bagat coada. s-a incercat un fel de mixtura. este adevarat ca sarbii sunt idioti in raport cu romanii, dar si Romania ca stat nu a stiut sa gestioneze (sau n-a vrut) problema populatiei romanesti ce traieste pe cuprinsul fostei Iugoslavii. UE, spune Bucovschi, un om cu o experienta in materie de soviete, este tot un proiect de tip sovietic asa cum USA este Uniunea Sovietica Ailalta...10 aprilie la 13:25 · · 6
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si, in final, cea ruso-ucraineana, care are aproape o mie de comentarii
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